Are there risk management documents for all activities provided on the site including the flying foxes, High and Low Ropes courses and other adventure activities?
CYC Limited maintains a rigorous occupational health and safety (OH&S) discipline at each of its sites, and as such can provide Victorian Education Department style risk assessment plans for all adventure activity equipment. Full safety/risk assessment documentation for all activities is available from our website once a booking is completed.
Are standard operating procedures/instructions (SOP’s) supplied for the activities described previously?
Activity operational instructions in a one page format for all activities are outlined in the teachers’ manual posted to your school 10 weeks before your camp commences. More detailed safety documentation as outlined above are available on request.
Staff to student ratios – what are they and do they comply with Victorian Education Department standards for each activity?
These are extensively covered in the teachers’ manual mentioned previously and confirmed during site debriefing on first day of your camp. Ratios set by Vic Ed are fully complied with. All other ratios are set in-house to ensure participants safety, activity enjoyment and time compliance.
Is recommended safety gear and personal protective equipment (PPE) available and used during activities?
All relevant PPE supplied and used in accordance with relevant activity standard operating procedures (SOPs). Useage is logged where applicable.
For which activities do you supply qualified supervisors?
CYC provides trained program staff for all high element activities, and training for guest activity-leaders/teachers on industry recognised low risk activities, before any activity is undertaken. Activity-leaders/teachers are required to sign off as competent before leading recognised low risk activities.
What are your policies and procedures regarding the use of all safety gear?
All equipment is used, stored, maintained, logged and replaced in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines.
What qualifications do your on-site high element programming staff hold?
All CYC Ltd adventure activity staff are trained and signed off as competent, by a qualified challenge ropes course (L3) instructor, workplace trainer and assessor, before taking on the full responsibility of activity instructor.
Does the adventure activity equipment hold certification and operating certificates from appropriate regulators including all safety gear such as ropes, wires, harnesses, support structures such as poles, beams, pulleys and couplings?
All CYC Ltd high element activity equipment has been installed by a professional equipment provider, (Vertical Innovations or Outdoor Initiatives are our preferred suppliers) who are members of the Association for Challenge Course Technology (USA) and as such meet their engineering and compliance regulations. CYC has several staff trained as advanced riggers, who follow a regular maintenance schedule.
When were the dates of the last inspections, and what is the date of the next inspection?
All high element equipment is audited every 18 months by CYC’s own certified advanced riggers who cross-check each others’ work to ensure integrity of inspections. The last available audit report is available on request.
What maintenance schedules are carried out on this equipment and what is the schedule for this?
Weekly equipment inspections are carried out on all harnesses, carabineers etc, as well as before and during each use. Monthly in-house activity structure checks are carried out at the end of each month. Copies of the current check ‘tick-lists’ are available on request.
What are the rules governing student use of the swimming pool?
Schools are requested to supply at least one water qualified staff person to supervise the pool activities. However if this is not possible, arrangements can be made in advance for CYC Limited staff, or outside providers (at an additional cost) to supervise the pool. A minimum of two staff and a ratio of 1- 10 is the minimum required.
How are the students supervised?
While instructors have the technical knowledge and expertise to instruct students, teachers/guest group leaders continue to have the responsibility for the general safety and welfare of the students/guests, even when they do not directly provide the actual instruction.
What are the restrictions/regulations regarding the use of vehicles on the site?
Where required Boom Gates control all vehicle movements and while staff and delivery vehicles are permitted in some areas of each facility, in all cases the guests enjoy right of way. Speeds are limited to walking pace only. All relevant road rules apply.
How are these vehicles managed?
Boom gates are used at several sites along with other speed restricting devices to ensure compliance.
How is the management of machinery such as mowers handled during school camps?
All mowing and land-care vehicles and machinery are required to stay and work at a safe distance from any guest group. Activity instructors, guests and teachers are encouraged to approach any offending machinery and request staff to move it away from the activity area.
Do you have an emergency plan for medical evacuation or similar?
This would fall under part of each facility’s emergency plan. All campers are made aware of the emergency evacuation procedures upon arrival at camp. Refer resource page
Does the site have an evacuation plan, including maps, instruction checklist, assembly sites and operating system?
All CYC Ltd facilities have an accreditation approved emergency plan for many contingencies. Refer resource page .
What are the expected standards of behaviour?
While instructors have the technical knowledge and expertise to instruct students and other guests, the teachers/group leaders continue to have the responsibility for the general safety, welfare and behaviour, at all times.
Does the site provide a 24-hour caretaker or supervisor who lives on site that teachers can contact?
Each CYC facility has a 24-hour caretaker or assistant who lives on site.
Is the site accredited as a school camp by an accreditation body recognised by the Victorian Education Department?
Every CYC Limited facility and site is accredited by the Australian Camping Association (ACA) via the ATAP program and the National Accommodation, Recreation and Tourism Accreditation (NARTA). Both these accreditation bodies are recognised by the Victorian Education Department.
Does the site hold the appropriate Health Department certification?
All sites hold current local Health Department certificates for Prescribed Accommodation and Registration of Food Premises.
Is the site fully covered by public liability insurance on an on-going permanent basis and what is the limit of liability?
All CYC Limited sites hold current public liability Insurance to the value of $40 million.